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Tomb Raider Timeline - The Legend Series

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Steve and I continue our journey through the ENTIRE Tomb Raider franchise, making a trip through the first Crystal Dynamics reboot series, starting with Tomb Raider Legend!

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Welcome back to Suggestive Gamings celebration of Tomb Raiders 25th anniversary! Last time, fellow Youtuber Steve Of Warr and I looked over the storyline of the original, classic Tomb Raider series dating from 1996 to 2003, so if you havent already checked that out, make sure you do to get the complete experience. This time, Steve and I will be looking at Crystal Dynamics first take at rebooting Lara Crofts story. Once again I would like to thank the sponsor for this series: Displate. If youd like to check out their vast collection of high quality wall art, printed on-demand on easy to hang metal posters, please do so by clicking my referral link in the description. Not only can you check out some art I recommend, but youll also get 20% off your purchase, applied at checkout, through the month of April. Now without further ado, this is What You Need to Know about Tomb Raider: Legends Timeline. Our story begins, once again, in 1945 in Los Alamos, New Mexico, where a nuclear bomb test destroys an abandoned town but also blasts open a strange crystalline structure, and a mysterious, winged creature escapes from it, flying away from the blast. Over forty years later, in 1986, Lady Amelia Croft, Countess of Abbingdon, is flying over the Himalayan Mountains in a private plane with her nine-year-old daughter, Lara. Suddenly, one of the engines bursts into flame and the aircraft crashes into the mountains below, leaving Amelia and Lara as the only survivors. The pair find an ancient Buddhist temple nearby and take shelter, where Lara finds a sword housed inside a mysterious stone . Lara touches the sword, accidentally activating a mechanism. Amelia begins to hear a voice speak to her from the other side of a portal, and she frantically pulls the sword from the pedestal, causing an explosion. When Lara opens her eyes, she finds the mechanism disabled, but also discovers the sword, as well as her mother, to have vanished. She then tears out a few pages of her journal and leaves them there, as she leaves the temple to find a way to contact her father, archaeologist Lord Richard Croft. Laras father takes her under his wing, taking her on his expeditions, training her as an archeologist. However, much like his wife, he wound up going missing in Cambodia when Lara was 17. Lara continues her schooling in archeology, meeting another young woman named Amanda Evert who she quickly becomes best friends with. The two go with their classmates on an expedition in Peru, and while exploring an underground cavern, their group is attacked by a demonic looking creature surrounded by black smoke. Lara runs from the creature to find Amanda investigating a stone relic she hopes will open the nearby door. Despite Laras hesitation, Amanda pulls the stone from its pedestal, causing the creature to disappear. However, they soon hear a loud rumble as the cavern starts to collapse. Lara escapes through a gate that closes behind her. She tries to keep it open long enough for Amanda to escape, but the area begins to flood with water. Amanda's foot gets stuck, and she is unable to escape through the gate. Lara watches more rocks fall from above, separating her from her friend, as she is forced to drop the gate and leave Amanda behind, escaping as the only survivor of the tragedy. Some time shortly afterwards, Lara travels to Calcutta, India, where she is approached by a mercenary by the name of Larson Conway who introduces her via video call to Jacqueline Natla, CEO of one of the worlds largest tech companies: Googl- I MEAN Natla Technologies. Natla reveals that her research department has found Qualopecs Tomb, the first step in locating the Scion of Atlantis, a relic Lara and her father spent years searching for. This intrigues Lara, who then accepts Natlas offer and travels to Peru to find the tomb herself. Shortly after beginning to explore through the tomb, Lara finds a lost valley where dinosaurs have survived, and after killing a tyrannosaurus rex she is able to find Qualopecs resting place. There she reads some nearby inscriptions to learn that he was one of three God Kings of Atlantis, known collectively as the Triumvirate. Each of the three carried a piece of a Scion, and Lara is able to grab Qualopecs sweet piece, right before the tomb begins to collapse around her, forcing her to make a daring escape just as Qualopecs body begins to reanimate. As she exits, she comes across Larson, who attempts to take the Scion from her, but she easily bests him in combat and interrogates him to learn that Natla has sent Pierre Dupont, an archeological rival to Lara, to search out another piece of the Scion. Lara then travels to Faceboo- I MEAN Natla Technologies headquarters and breaks into Natla's office to find more information on Pierres whereabouts. There she finds recordings from Larson and Pierre, and she learns that Pierre is looking underneath a place called St. Francis Folly in Greece. Lara travels to St. Franci Folly, and eventually finds the tomb of another member of the Triumvirate, Tihocan. There, she finds the second piece of the Scion, but when she opens Tihocans coffin, she finds it to be empty. Suddenly, she is held at gunpoint by Pierre, who demands the other piece of the Scion Lara found in Peru. Lara is able to fight him off, but he is able to run off with one piece. Outside, however, Pierre is attacked and killed by two animated centaur statues . Lara fights the centaurs, defeating them and gathering the second piece of the Scion. When she combines it with the piece she found in Peru, Lara is overcome by a vision. No, not that one. In it, Lara sees Tihocan scolding a third God for maiming her brother, Qualopec, by somehow using the Scion. Before the third God can speak for herself, the vision ends, and Lara knows where to find

the final piece of the Scion:

a place called the Sanctuary of the Scion in Egypt. Lara arrives there and fights her way through more animated guardians to find the third piece of the Scion. After grabbing it, the temple begins to collapse around her, and she dashes out of a nearby exit to reach the valley outside. There, she assembles the complete Scion, and witnesses the vision once again, now completely clear. The third God in the Triumvirate is revealed to be none other than Natla, who had used the knowledge of the Scion to turn Atlantis army against itself to destroy the civilization so that it could begin anew in the seventh age. As punishment, Tihocan and Qualopec banish her in a frozen prison structure for all eternity. That is, until she was freed by the nuclear explosion. Lara, distracted by the vision, doesnt realize that Natla has arrived, who takes the Scion away and has her henchmen, Including Larson, detain Lara and strip her weapons away. Natla heads off, leaving her men to deal with Lara, However, Lara breaks free and incapacitates them before diving into the waters below, with Larson intentionally barging one of them out the way so he can miss a clear shot to secretly spare her life. Swimming to shore, she then follows Natlas car on her motorcycle, and is able to catch up as Natla boards a yacht. Using a nearby ramp she is able to dive off her bike and into the water, and then stows away in the ships cargo hold. Not long afterwards, the boat reaches an island where Natla Industries has a mining operation. Lara swims to the island and begins to investigate and reclaim her lost gear, but is soon stopped by Larson. Lara threatens Larson to move out of the way before she shoots him, but he taunts her, knowing she doesnt have it in her to kill another person. She calls his bluff, however, and shoots him three times in the chest, killing him on the spot. Despite her initial coldness at doing what had to be done to stop Natla, Lara looks down at the figurative blood on her hands and instantly feels regret for taking another life. Lara continues on, finding a giant stone pyramid guarded by Natlas remaining henchmen. However, their lack of teamwork leads to their deaths at each other's hands, and Lara is able to enter the pyramid. Inside, Lara sees Natla at the very top, and she uses the now complete Scion to activate the ancient pyramid, causing various monstrous creatures, including a fleshy doppelganger of herself, to awaken and impede her progress. Lara fights her way up to the top, finding the Scion, and alongside it, Natla in her original Atlanitan form. Natla reveals that using the Scion, she insteads to create her own new race to destroy humanity. She then offers Lara a seat at the throne next to her, claiming that it is her destiny. But Lara, knowing that she cannot sacrifice all of humanity for her own power and immortality, says a solemn posthumous apology to her father before shooting the Scion to destroy it. Natla then lunges at her, pushing them both off of the balcony where they stand. Lara is able to grapple to a nearby ledge, but Natla falls into the lava below. On the platform, Lara is soon confronted by an awakening giant beast of Natlas creation. Lara is able to defeat the creature, leaving it plunging into the lava below, before she goes to leave the pyramid. Before she can escape, however, Lara is again confronted by Natla, now in a fiery, demonic form. Natla claims that since Lara is also a killer, the two of them arent so different, and a battle ensues. After the fight, Natla disarms Lara and taunts her for not accomplishing anything by stopping her. She claims that other remnants of Atlantis remain, and she will find a way in succeeding in her plan. But then Lara grabs her pistol and shoots Natla, distracting her long enough to be able to pull down a pillar on top of her, which crushes her rival and allows her to escape the collapsing pyramid. Outside, Lara swims to Natlas yacht and sails off into the sunset finally free of the ordeal. Looking at her hands once again, she realizes that Natla was wrong about her, as what she did was for the good of all humankind, and not for selfish personal gain. Years later, Lara is now an experienced adventurer, and now hunts for artifacts alongside her new partners and companions, Zip (her tech expert) and Alister Fletcher (her research assistant). She receives a tip from one of her former university classmates, Anaya Imanu, about a stone dais similar to the one she saw as a child in the Himalayas. Still hoping to uncover the mystery of her mothers disappearance, Lara travels to the temple of an ancient civilization called Tiwanaku in Bolivia. After exploring it she finds the stone dais but unfortunately a team of mercenaries has beaten her to its discovery. Their leader, adventurer James Rutland, notices Lara and reveals that he has obtained a piece of a sword much like the one that had disappeared with her mother. As he turns to leave, he gestures to a blonde woman in a nearby helicopter who he refers to as Amanda before referencing their expedition to Peru where her old friend Amanda Evert seemingly died, leading Lara to wonder if she had somehow survived. After Rutland leaves, Lara fights off the mercenaries he left behind. After dispatching them all, she is able to investigate the dais, discovering it to be identical to the one where her mother disappeared. She then returns home and discusses her findings with Zip, Alister, and her lifelong butler Winston. Zip recommends that Lara try to return to the archaeological site in Peru to learn what Rutland discovered there. Lara returns to Peru, where she meets with her contact Anaya. After fighting off an ambush by Rutlands militia, the pair reach the old boarded up dig site, and Lara is able to swim back into the flooded chamber where she left Amanda. There, Lara is able to drain the water and discovers an unlaced shoe, revealing that Amanda was able to get her foot unstuck and escape the tomb. Lara then finds an inscription detailing the story of the Last Queen of Tiwanaku. The story immediately strikes Lara as similar to the myth of King Arthur, and after traversing through more of the tomb, she finds more inscriptions, and learns that there are multiple stone daises, and each is activated by inserting an appropriate sword. Lara then finds the Queens sarcophagus, as well as a ceremonial replica of her sword, which resembles the piece Rutland was holding. Lara recognizes a piece broken off of the replica sword as an artifact she saw in the Waseda University in Japan, however, it had been stolen by Yakuza boss Shogo Takamoto, and Lara instructs Zip to arrange a meeting with him. Just then, Anaya calls and warns that Rutlands men are heading into the tomb after her. Lara then fights her way out of the tomb, meeting Anaya outside. Lara shows Anaya Amandas shoe, and the two theorize that she must have found something in the tomb that she wanted to keep to herself, hence why she kept her survival a secret. As the two go to leave, Lara calls Zip for an update on the meeting with Takamoto, and he lets her know that a meeting has been arranged at a corporate party hosted by a mutual friend named Toru Nishimura. The next day, Lara arrives at the party and meets with Nishumura in his office. The two share pleasantries, and when Lara goes to re-enter the main area, Takamoto arrives with his Yakuza crew, breaking up the party. He refuses to negotiate with Lara, still holding a grudge over their last encounter where he tried to forge artifacts. Angered by their confrontation, he commands his men to attack Lara as he escapes, but she grabs the weapons she smuggled in and fights them off. Lara regroups with Nishumura, who warns her against following Takamoto, but nonetheless gives her a key to an elevator to reach the roof so she can reach his penthouse. Lara goes to the roof, and once there she finds a motorcycle stashed in a shipping crate, which she is able to use to jump the gap to the building next door and work her way up to his penthouse. There, she confronts Takamoto, who runs once again, and Lara fights through more of his men to follow him to the top floor. There, Takamoto is waiting for her with the tip of the sword fashioned as the tip of a spear. He is able to hone the power of the relic to give him mystical powers, but Lara is able to defeat him in battle, killing him and retrieving the fragment of the sword. Nishimura then arrives in a helicopter and gives her a ride. While in the chopper, Lara gets word from Zip that Rutland is in Ghana, so she makes her way there to take his fragment of the sword. Once there, Lara uncovers a temple behind a waterfall, and finds Rutland on a level above her. The two share some quick banter before Lara heads inside to follow him. Lara recognizes the temple from her fathers writings, leading her to believe he had been there before. This suspicion is seemingly confirmed when she comes across a pendant on the ground that once belonged to her mother. Lara finally reaches Rutland deep within the temple, and he reveals that he is searching for the Ghalali Key, which will allow him to put the sword back together. Rutland tells Lara that Amanda believes that Laras father has found the key, and proceeds to attack her. Like Takamoto, he exhibits mystical powers, but Lara is able to defeat him in combat. Afterwards, Lara takes the sword fragment from Rutland, who reveals that Amanda is at her mansion right now searching for the Ghalali Key. Lara speeds off on her motorbike to return home and finally reaches Zip, who reveals that he and Alister are safe, but Amanda had attacked alongside a monster cloaked in black smoke. Alister announces that he discovered Amandas next destination to be in Kazakhstan. Lara decides to head there to chase Amanda instead. Lara arrives in Kazakhstan and finds Rutlands men attacking a military base. Lara takes out the mercenaries, and two Kazakh soldiers give her the access codes to a nearby command station. There, she finds the location of an old Soviet lab she suspects Amanda to be at, then takes a nearby motorbike to catch up to a departing train to reach the lab. Lara infiltrates the lab by crashing a train into it and finds Amanda inside, finally seeing her old friend face to face once again. Lara apologizes to Amanda for leaving her behind years ago, but Amanda, still upset about the past, nevertheless shrugs it off, leaving the area as one of her guards blows up the nearby bridge to prevent Lara from following her. Lara looks for a way around the broken bridge, finding a medieval shield with a map inscribed on the back. She takes pictures of the map and sends it along to Alister, hoping its resemblance to King Arthurs shield isnt just a coincidence. When Lara catches up, she finds Amanda, who reveals that she still carries the stone she grabbed in the catacombs during their expedition. She then shows Lara that the stone allows her to control the smoke covered beast that killed their friends. Lara is able to fend off the beast using machinery in the lab and obtains the sword fragment powering it. This blows open an exit, and Lara watches Amanda walk off before escaping through the ventilation system. Alister determines the map takes them to Cornwall, England, to a novelty road-side attraction called Professor Worths King Arthur Museum, and the trio travel there to investigate. Inside, underneath all of the dioramas, animatronics, and decor, Lara discovers a tomb containing King Arthur and the Court of Camelot. Lara is able to obtain his final piece of the sword before getting a frantic call from Zip and Alister back on street level indicating a commotion of some sort. Lara finds and battles an ancient Sea Serpent as she attempts to reach the surface, but is able to escape it and reach Zip and Alister outside, saving them from a gun-wielding team of mercenaries. The three return back to the mansion to figure out how to assemble the sword. As Lara puts the pieces together, she recognizes the shape of an indentation as a pendant her mother wore in a portrait in the mansions main hall. Lara determines that the pendant must now lay where her mother was last seen, and makes arrangements to travel to the Himalayas to find it. Lara finds the wreckage of the plane she crashed in and finds her mothers pendant inside. She grabs it, but the shifting weight causes the plane to fall down the mountain below. With the pendant in hand, Lara walks down to the temple where her mother disappeared and uses it to reassemble the pieces of the sword. She puts it back into the dais it came from, but it simply crumbles beneath the sword. Lara is then able to use the power of the sword to exit the temple as it collapses, and returns to Bolivia to use the sword in the dais there. Lara approaches the stone, finding Rutland, Amanda, and their mercenaries waiting for her. Lara uses the sword to fend off the mercenaries, but the initial blast from the sword ends up killing Rutland, which greatly upsets Amanda. Amanda, distraught about her loss as well as Lara getting to use the sword instead of her, grabs her stone and calls forth her monster. Lara is able to defeat the monster with the sword, and an exhausted Amanda is left collapsed on the ground. Lara takes the Wraith Stone amulet from her, then proceeds to plunge the sword into the dais. Runes begin to light up on the stone pillars, and Lara recognizes them from the temple in the Himalayas as a child. As she pushes the sword in deeper, a portal begins to open, and she sees her mother. Lara realizes that it was her that her mother spoke to in the portal all those years ago, and tries to tell her not to touch the sword. Amanda, however, yells out for Lara to pull out the sword or else the portal will explode. Amelia hears Amanda and, believing the warning to be for her, pulls out the sword, leading to her disappearance in the past, as well as all of the events that transpired. The portal explodes, and Lara, blaming Amanda for her mothers death, pulls a pistol on her and angrily asks WHERE IS MY MOTHER?! Amanda proclaims that Amelia is not dead, but instead went to Avalon, the mythical island of Arthurian legend that the portal supposedly opened to. Lara, still in disbelief, pistol-whips Amanda, knocking her unconscious. Lara then leaves her there, now with the knowledge that her father, who had always believed Amelia had never died, was correct. Determined to make things right, she starts a new journey to find Avalon and finally rescue her mother. Some time later, Lara learns that her father believed the Path to Avalon lay at the bottom of a location in the Mediterranean Sea. She travels there by yacht, despite Alisters protests, and swims down to find ruins labeled as Niflheim, the realm of the dead, which Lara determines to be the Norse equivalent to Avalon. Inside, she finds a large statue of Thor, the Norse god of thunder, as well as the one of his gauntlets, used to wield his mighty hammer, Mjolnir. Lara retrieves the gauntlet, but before she can surmise what it has to do with Avalon, she is ambushed by a group of mercenaries, who knock her out and take the gauntlet. When she awakens, one of the mercenaries tells her Amanda Evert sends her regards before triggering an explosive device, causing a cave-in and sealing the exit. Lara quickly climbs out of the ruins and swims back to her boat. There, she is able to spot Amandas ship in the nearby waters. Lara climbs onto the ship and fights her way through Amandas mercenaries to the lower decks. There, she is able to find Amanda, who is speaking with an unknown woman about the gauntlet now being bound to Lara, rendering it useless to Amanda. Amanda is forced to run off when she learns her ship is taking in water due to Laras firepower, and when Lara walks in to investigate the second woman, she is shocked to learn that it is none other than Jacqueline Natla, who was dug up and captured by Amanda and her crew sometime before the events in Bolivia. Natla confirms that the dais they found was only part of a transportation network of portals, and Laras mother was taken to Avalon. She then states that Laras father found the wrong Norse underworld, as Amelia was not taken to Niflheim, but instead Helheim. Lara asks where it is, and Natla responds that shell need Thors hammer to get there, and that she needs to find her answers in Thailand. Natlas pod is then extracted by a helicopter, and Lara escapes from the now sinking ship. Outside, she sees Amanda and fires a few shots at her, prompting her to throw the gauntlet into the water. Lara jumps after it, retrieving it before returning to her boat to watch Amandas helicopter fly off. Lara travels to the coast of Thailand and finds another underworld similar to Niflheim. Using the gauntlet, she is able to open a passageway to an area with a giant statue of Odin, Thors father. From nearby inscriptions, she learns that Odin gave his son the gauntlets, his belt, Megingjord, as well as Mjolnir to keep the world serpent, Jormungandr, subdued. However, Lara finds the map leading to these objects destroyed, and a pedestal nearby, which once housed the twin gauntlet, empty. On the pedestal, however, she finds a message written by her own father, directed towards Natla, proclaiming that he is no longer her puppet, indicating the pair had worked together in some capacity in the past. She then notices that he signed the note with his middle initial, which he never did to avoid confusion with his own father. This clue tips off Lara to where her father hid the gauntlet: his own home. She returns to the boat, finding her gauntlet now exhausted of power, and heads back home. In Croft Manor, Winston opens a secret passageway to the family crypt, and Lara heads down there with him, Zip, and Alister. She examines her grandfathers grave and finds a secret passage underneath. After heading through, Lara finds a secret office with the gauntlet and a recording device. Lara plays the message to find that it is addressed to her, from her father, explaining the room she is standing in contains everything his team recovered from Thailand. He makes note to warn Lara about the protectors of the gauntlets, called Thralls, who killed several of his team before they were able to capture them. However, Lara finds their cages broken and empty. Lara then finds images of the map he destroyed(to protect the knowledge from falling into Natlas hands) and she takes them before activating the second gauntlet, binding that to herself as well. Lara is then attacked by the Thralls, but she is able to defeat them in combat to return back upstairs. However, just as shes about to reach the main hall, she feels the rumble of a large explosion, and fire begins to fill the hallway shes in. She works her way through the burning mansion to reach the main hall, finding Winston and Zip, just before the latter suddenly pulls a gun on Lara and fires at her. After he runs out of bullets, Zip reveals that he saw Lara open the retina scanning locks to her vault before setting fire to her own house, shooting at him, then escaping with Amandas Wraith Stone. Lara tells Winston and Zip to leave while they can, then heads to the security area to watch the camera footage. When she gets into the security room, however, she turns to see her own reflection, or at least what appears to be. As she gets closer, she realizes it is a near-identical doppelganger of herself, and it quickly turns to shoot a nearby Alister. Lara attempts to attack her doppelganger, but it quickly bests her in any attempt before escaping the mansion. Lara runs over to Alister to try to help him, but despite her efforts, he proclaims that hell see her in Avalon before dying from his injuries. Outside, Winston and Zip watch the doppelganger run off before seeing the real Lara walk out carrying the lifeless body of Alister. Zip asks Lara what it was, and Lara only responds that she had seen something similar of Natlas creation years ago, but this one is far more dangerous. This leads them to conclude that Natla and Amanda must be working together in some capacity, and Lara determines her next destination should be the location of Thors belt: southern Mexico. Zip protests carrying on like normal with Alister dead, but Lara exclaims that she needs a gods weapon to kill a god, and walks off to deal with the authorities. Later, in southern Mexico, Lara finds more Norse inscriptions and a statue, this time of the Midgard Serpent Jormungandr, which is spewing its venom, called eitr, which produces the thralls. After fighting her way through more of the creatures, she retrieves Thors belt, binding it to herself before escaping the ruins back to the surface. Zip calls and informs Lara that he enhanced her fathers images of the map and sends her coordinates to Jan Mayen Island off the coast of Norway where she should find the

final relic:

Thors hammer Mjolnir. On the island, Lara finds Odins hall, Valhalla, and after fighting through more powerful Thrall, she finds Mjolnir, and with her acquired power, she is able to wield it. Now armed with the power to kill a god, Lara tracks down Amandas second ship and climbs aboard, slaying her mercenaries with ease thanks to her mighty hammer. Lara enters the chamber with Natlas prison, and the Atlantean reveals that while she can tell Lara where the path to Avalon is, shell need Natlas help to perform a ritual to open it. Lara agrees to a shaky partnership, but as she attempts to break open the enclosure, Amanda arrives with the doppelganger to stop her. Amanda holds up her Wraith Stone, but as she goes to use it, the doppelganger suddenly grabs her and tosses her over a nearby railing, and she falls in the bowels of the ship. Lara moves to attack the doppelganger with her hammer, but it is able to escape. Lara then takes out her frustration by swinging at the prison enclosure, breaking it, but she stops herself from killing Natla. She then allows her new partner to leave, and the pair agree to meet at the location

of Helheim:

under the Arctic Sea. Lara arrives at the location and blows a hole in the ice, submerging below to find yet another structure with Norse inscriptions. She finds Natla inside, executing the ritual to open a pathway. Natla then flies off, allowing Lara to use the power of the hammer to finish opening the pathway. Lara enters Helheim and finally finds her mother, Amelia Croft. Initially delighted to have finally found the woman she long thought dead, her excitement turns to dismay as Amelia faces her to reveal she has been transformed into a Thrall. Lara, finally coming to the realization that her mother is long gone, pulls her pistols and fires, knocking her back into a pool of etir below. Just then, Natla arrives and revels in Laras pain. She then reveals that after learning of Amelias disappearance years prior, she had manipulated her husband, Richard Croft, into working for Natla before killing him for his betrayal. She then used his daughter to finish his work and lead her to Helheim. Lara goes to swing the hammer at Natla, but the doppelganger soon arrives, knocks it out of her hands, and subdues her. Natla then walks off to raise the Midgard Serpent, while Lara fights with the doppelganger. Much to Laras surprise, Amanda arrives and uses the Wraith Stone to stop the doppelganger, throwing her over the ledge into the etir pit below. Amanda states that while she still harbors disdain for Lara, she has to help her stop Natla to prevent the end of the world. Lara then runs off to stop Natla while Amanda stays behind to hold the Thralls at bay. Lara finds Natla, who reveals that the Midgard Serpent was actually a metaphor for the system of tectonic ridges on the ocean floor, and the relic she is currently activating will cause the earth to split and spew the serpents poison into the air, triggering Ragnarok and Natlas sought-after seventh age. Lara is able to use Mjolnir to begin destroying the machine, just as Amandas fight brings her into the chamber. Natla notices Amanda and takes her out with a bolt of power, knocking her out on the floor. Lara continues to eliminate the machines support structures, forcing Natla to attempt to keep it standing herself. While shes distracted, however, Lara throws Mjolnir at her, breaking the platform she stands on, sending her into the etir pit below as the giant column of the machine follows her in. Lara runs over to help up Amanda. The two realize that they are trapped, but Lara spots the stone dais that transported her mother there, and Lara is forced to trust Amanda as the two work together to activate the portal and teleport back to the temple in Tibet. Lara looks to the ground and grabs the sword, as her and Amanda have a quick standoff. Amanda determines its not worth her trouble and walks off, leaving Lara for good. Lara then finds the pages from her journal she left in the temple as a child, and says one final goodbye to her mother before leaving. In Helheim, Laras doppelganger awakens, having just barely avoided the etir pit by falling onto a stone platform. She makes her way to the stone dais to find Natla, whos own exposure to the etir has given her a thrall-like physical appearance.

She issues a command:

Okh Eshivar, a spell used to control the Thrall, which allows her to command the doppelganger to take her back to its birthplace. The doppelganger takes Natla back to a giant, etir powered machine relic. After restoring the power to the machine, the doppelganger returns to Natla, who commands it to find Lara Croft and kill her, before killing itself afterwards, so Natla never has to see Laras face again. Four days later, Lara has returned to the remains of Croft Manor and has found her way back to her fathers hidden office beneath the family crypt. She learns that her father had not only discovered an artifact that creates thralls, but also learned of a phrase that could be used to control them. Lara finds the artifact in a etir filled chamber, and learns the phrase is Okh Eshivar. She is immediately able to use it when a thrall arrives behind her, which she stops in its tracks by using the phrase. Laras doppelganger then arrives as well, and Lara commands the thrall to kill it. The doppelganger runs right through it, forcing Lara to exclaim the phrase once more in a panic. This stops the doppelganger, as Lara realizes she now controls her dark shadow. Lara commands that the doppelganger ignore any further commands, and releases it from a life of slavery to others. After acknowledging the command, Lara instead asks that the doppelganger make sure Natla suffers, before it runs off to return to its creator. The doppelganger returns to the machine and destroys its power source before causing Natlas healing pod to fall to the ground below, crushing her. The doppelganger returns to her and Natla tries to order it to save her, but the doppelganger simply watches with a smile as Natla drowns in a pool of etir. Lara continues her adventures into the future, finding various relics and meeting new friends and foes. Namely, she meets an ancient mayan soldier named Totec, who she helps defeat the returning evil force of Xolotl, who was released from the Mirror of Smoke by a warlord named Vasco. Later, she befriends an up-and-coming archeologist named Carter Bell. The pair share several adventures, including stopping a politician named Andro Green from using an ivory relic to awaken an ancient demon called the unnameable, uncovering a conspiracy regarding an ancient blade, as well as stopping the Egyption god Set from spreading chaos and returning him and the spirit of the god Osiris to the land of the dead. This brings us to the end of this branch of Tomb Raider lore, as Crystal Dynamics rebooted the series one more time in 2013 with a more modern, gritty take; and dont worry, well tell you all about it in the next, and final, part of this series, so make sure youre subscribed with notifications on so you can catch that as soon as were done with it. In the meantime if you want to check out what Ive made so far for my ongoing Tomb Raider Retrospective deep dive of every game from the CORE era up to Survivor, then be sure to check out my channel too. Ill even be covering some custom levels made by some fans in the future as well, so be sure to stop by and say hi! Hey guys, thanks so much for watching this video. If you enjoyed, make sure you leave a like, and comment on what you want to see next. Also consider supporting on Patreon or becoming a member on YouTube (links in the description), with a huge thanks to those folks on screen now. Another huge thanks goes to SteveOfWarr! Be sure to check out his channel in the description and on screen now, and of course another thanks to Displate; check them out in the description as well. See you next time!

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