Suggestive Gaming's What You Need to Know!

Monkey Island - The Story So Far

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This month we #ReturnToMonkeyIsland so what better time than now to re-visit Guybrush Threepwood's previous adventures?

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Video Chapters
(Years shown are the years the games were released)
00:00 - Intro
00:58 - The Secret of Monkey Island
11:39 - Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck’s Revenge
20:19 - The Curse of Monkey Island
28:58 - Escape from Monkey Island
37:42 - Tales of Monkey Island
56:14 - Outro

All game footage captured and edited by Suggestive Gaming; please do not use without expressed permission.


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With the long awaited “Return to Monkey
Island” right around the corner, I, Suggestive

Gaming, figured now would be an amazing time
to take an adventure through the swashbuckling

storyline of the Monkey Island series so far.

While returning series creator Ron Gilbert
has stated that the new installment will take

and ignore plot elements from the third game
beyond as he sees fit, I’m going to cover

everything here straightforward and treat
it all as canon until we see otherwise.

Now, one quick note before I begin: the two
original installments, The Secret of Monkey

Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge,
did see “Special Edition” re-releases

with brand new, re-drawn graphics to replace
the originals’ pixel-art style.

However, to keep things a bit more faithful,
I have decided (with help from a fairly one-sided

Twitter poll) to use the VGA CD-ROM versions
of the original two games for the visuals

in this video.

Now without further ado, this is What You
Need to Know about the Monkey Island series.

Our story begins with the introduction of
a would-be mighty pirate named Guybrush Threepwood,

arriving on Mêlée Island in the Caribbean
Tri-Island Area.

After speaking with the island’s Lookout,
Guybrush heads to the local Scumm Bar to meet

with the three Pirate Leaders.

While the Leaders aren’t initially impressed
with Guybrush, their current pirate shortage

caused by a fearsome man named “LeChuck”
leads them to let him join their ranks; that

is, if he can solve The Three Trials.

These trials include proving one’s mastery
in three important skills of pirating: Sword

Fighting, Thievery, and Treasure Hunting.

Tackling these in whatever order he wishes,
Guybrush leaves the Scumm Bar to prove himself

as a worthy pirate.

Meanwhile, a ghost pirate ship sails on a
river of lava beneath Monkey Island.

Aboard this ship is its ghostly captain, LeChuck.

LeChuck is told by his first mate, Bob, about
a new pirate training on Mêlée Island, and

he decides to take care of him personally
so as to not ruin his “plans”.

Back on Mêlée, Guybrush explores the town
and meets three pirates who he tricks out

of two pieces of eight, as well as a man selling
a treasure map.

Afterwards, Guybrush finds the “International
House of Mojo”, a shop where he meets a

woman he comes to know only as the “Voodoo

The Voodoo Lady reads his future before disappearing
and leaving him to his journey.

Further exploring the island, Guybrush is
accosted by Sheriff Fester Shinetop, who warns

him that now is a bad time to be visiting
the island.

In the town jail, Guybrush meets a prisoner
named Otis, who was arrested for allegedly

picking flowers in the forest.

After their conversation is interrupted by
Shinetop, Guybrush leaves to continue his


Starting with the trial of treasure hunting,
Guybrush feeds a familiar looking troll (It’s

like poetry, they rhyme) and comes across
a circus tent.

The Fettucini Brothers who run the circus
then hire him to test their cannon.

Using a pot found in the kitchen of the Scumm
Bar as a helmet, Guybrush enters the cannon

and is fired into a pole.

The brothers give him his payment, and Guybrush
is able to buy a shovel from the general store,

and the treasure map from the man selling

Decoding the interesting instructions, Guybrush
finds the treasure and digs it up, finding

the Legendary Lost Treasure of Mêlée Island:
a t-shirt.

Moving on to the trial of swordplay, Guybrush
meets an expert swordsman named Captain Smirk,

who teaches him the art of “Insult Sword
Fighting”, in which one’s tongue needs

to be sharper than their sword.

After Guybrush defeats the many pirates on
the island in insult swordfighting, he finally

becomes ready to challenge the swordmaster,

He soon learns, however, that she has no interest
in the attention.

Guybrush follows the general store’s keeper
to her house and challenges her himself.

After Guybrush defeats her at her own game,
he receives his reward and proof of victory:

another t-shirt.

For the final trial, that of thievery, Guybrush
elects to take something from the Governor

of the Tri-Island Areas’ mansion.

To get inside, he steals a piece of meat from
the kitchen of the Scumm Bar and seasons it

with a sedative flower he finds in the jungle.

He then gives this piece of meat to the deadly
piranha poodles outside of the Governor’s

mansion which causes them to fall asleep,
not die (which is a very important distinction).

Guybrush enters the mansion and tries to steal
something of value, but is stopped by Sheriff

Shinetop as he tries to open a locked case
to retrieve a fabulous idol.

Guybrush gives Otis some gopher repellent
he found in the Governor's mansion to stave

off the rats in his cell, and the prisoner
provides him with a cake in exchange.

Guybrush then finds a file hidden inside of
the cake, and he returns to the Governor’s

mansion to open the lock to the idol.

After getting it, however, Guybrush is again
stopped by Sheriff Shinetop, who tries to

place him under arrest.

Governor Elaine Marley then arrives and covers
for Guybrush, calling Shinetop off and sending

him away.

Taken aback by her beauty, Guybrush is unable
to thank her for this, however, and she leaves

him to finish his quest to become a pirate,
even though she thinks he looks too sweet

for it.

As Guybrush leaves, however, he’s stopped
again by Sheriff Shinetop, who claims that

his “plans for the Governor” are too important
to be stopped by a would-be-pirate.

Shinetop then ties the fabulous idol around
Guybrush’s waist and kicks it into the waters,

submerging him below the depths to drown.

Luckily, Guybrush has the talent of being
able to hold his breath for ten minutes, allowing

him just enough time to deduce his escape
plan: simply picking up the idol and a submerged

sword before climbing a nearby ladder up to
the docks.

On the dock, Guybrush watches a ghost ship
sail off and disappear into the horizon.

The lookout then arrives and delivers horrible
news: Governor Marley has been kidnapped by

LeChuck and taken off in the ship that just
left to Monkey Island.

Guybrush then takes it upon himself to find
a crew and a ship to go and rescue her.

First assembling his crew, Guybrush uses a
mug of the corrosive but refreshing pirate

beverage “Grog” to dissolve the lock on
Otis’s cell, breaking him out and gaining

his loyalty.

Meanwhile, LeChuck and his crew return to
their hideout beneath Monkey Island.

Onboard, Bob finds Sheriff Shinetop, who is
revealed to be the ghost pirate LeChuck in


LeChuck and his first mate then discuss his
plan, which involves kidnapping Elaine, as

well as some kind of “root”.

Guybrush then returns to the swordmaster,
Carla, and convinces her to join his crew

as well.

The final member of the crew is another Mêlée
Island inhabitant named Meathook, who agrees

to join Guybrush’s crew if he can prove
his bravery by facing the beast that bit off

both his hands: a parrot.

Guybrush does so and gains the final member
of his crew.

With his crew in place, Guybrush then sets
off to find his own ship.

Meeting a sleazy used ship salesman named
Stan, Guybrush is able to trick the general

storekeeper into getting a line of credit
to purchase a boat: the Sea Monkey.

Guybrush then meets Stan at the docks to retrieve
his new vessel, and his shipmates arrive shortly


They aren’t impressed with their ship, or
its lack of staff and equipment, but they

nevertheless embark on their journey to Monkey
Island to rescue Governor Marley from LeChuck’s


Once at sea, Guybrush’s crew decide they’d
rather like a relaxing cruise on the Caribbean

and stage a mutiny, refusing to help him reach
Monkey Island.

Taking matters into his own hands, Guybrush
finds the ship’s former Captain’s log,

where he learns that he and his first mate,
Toothrot, found directions to Monkey Island

in the form of a food recipe.

Guybrush finds the recipe and prepares the
meal, concocting some kind of voodoo spell

that causes him to pass out and directs the
ship to Monkey Island.

Days later, Guybrush awakens and spots the
island in the distance.

Again using a pot as a helmet, Guybrush climbs
inside the ship’s cannon and fires himself

to the shores of the island, leaving his crew
behind to save Governor Marley.

After a rough landing on the beach, Guybrush
is stuck with his head buried in the sand.

An old hermit then finds him and introduces
himself as Herman Toothrot, the first mate

that found his way to the island years ago.

Guybrush then explores Monkey Island and searches
for Elaine, all while being pestered by Toothrot.

Soon, Guybrush learns that LeChuck’s lair
is below a sacred monkey head which can be

opened by a key Toothrot currently holds.

In order to get the key from Herman, Guybrush
works to get the hermit’s banana-picker

back from the island’s natives (who happen
to be cannibals).

While doing so, Guybrush accidentally fires
a large rock into the Sea Monkey, sinking

it and stranding his crew at sea.

Guybrush then meets the cannibals, who imprison
him for attempting to steal bananas.

He easily escapes captivity and gives the
bananas to a monkey who unlocks the path to

the sacred monkey head.

There, Guybrush finds a small idol, which
he gives to the cannibals as an offering.

They leave to place the idol back at the monkey
head, allowing Guybrush to take the banana-picker,

which he in turn gives to Toothrot for the
key to the monkey head.

Guybrush then takes the key back to the monkey
head, opening it and descending below Monkey


There, he’s unable to find LeChuck, so he
returns to the cannibals and learns about

the “head of the navigator” which can
lead him to the ghost pirate.

The cannibals also claim that LeChuck stole
a special root that will allow them to make

a solution that will kill him for good.

After getting the head of the navigator from
the cannibals, Guybrush returns below the

island and uses its directions to find LeChuck’s
ghost pirate ship.

Guybrush convinces the reanimated head to
let him use his magic necklace to become invisible

to the ghost pirate crew as he sneaks aboard.

Guybrush retrieves the stolen root from LeChuck’s
ship and takes it back to the cannibals, who

use it to create the anti-ghost root brew.

When Guybrush returns below the island to
use it on LeChuck, however, he finds his ship


Bob, who was left behind, tells Guybrush that
the ghost ship left to go back to Mêlée

Island, where LeChuck intends to marry Elaine

Luckily, Herman Toothrot appears and offers
to take them both to Mêlée in his ship he’s

just now announcing he has.

Once they arrive on Mêlée Island, Guybrush
races to the town church, where he interrupts

the wedding.

As he argues with LeChuck, however, Governor
Marley reveals that she had already escaped

the ghost pirate’s clutches and had her
own ghost-zapping voodoo root beer.

After Guybrush scares off the two monkeys
disguised as Elaine who happen to be holding

her root beer, she follows them, leaving him
alone with LeChuck for their final confrontation.

Unfortunately, Guybrush isn’t able to use
his own root beer, as LeChuck punches him

across the island with his immense power,
knocking the root beer out of his hand.

Guybrush lands at Stan’s Previously Owned

LeChuck punches Stan into the distance.

Guybrush then picks up a bottle of root beer
that fell out of a nearby Grog machine, shakes

it up, and sprays it at LeChuck, causing his
ghostly head to burst into the air, creating

a beautiful firework-like display.

Elaine arrives, and she and Guybrush share
a romantic moment as they watch the fireworks.

Meanwhile, Guybrush’s crew wash up on Monkey
Island and are captured by the cannibals,

leaving their fate unknown… for now.

Months later, on Scabb Island (also in the
Tri-Island Area), Guybrush tells his tale

of defeating LeChuck to two other pirates
(who are very sick of hearing it).

Guybrush then takes his leave to find a ship
to charter to continue his search for the

largest treasure of every pirate’s dream:
the legendary Big Whoop.

On his way to find a ship, however, Guybrush
is met by the fearsome Largo LeGrande, who

(despite his small stature) is able to shake
him down and steal all of his plundered riches.

Largo then imposes an embargo on the island,
preventing anyone (including Guybrush) from

leaving the island.

Exploring Scabb Island, Guybrush finds the
three pirates he met on Mêlée Island before

he comes across another “International House
of Mojo”.

Inside, he finds the same Voodoo Lady that
he met on his first journey.

The pair devise a plan to create a Voodoo
Doll of Largo in order to place a curse on

him to hopefully force him to lift the embargo.

To assemble this doll, Guybrush collects an
item from four of the basic voodoo groups:

something of the thread (a piece of Largo’s
clothes from the laundromat), something of

the head (dandruff from his toupee), somebody
of the body (his spit), and something of the

dead (a bone of one of his ancestors dug up
from the cemetery).

After returning these ingredients to the Voodoo
Lady, she assembles the doll, and Guybrush

finds Largo.

Guybrush uses pins on the doll to torture
Largo, gloating that he killed the ghost pirate


Guybrush then shows Largo a piece of LeChuck’s
still-alive beard to prove his story.

Largo gleefully takes it from him before leaving,
proclaiming that with a surviving piece of

LeChuck, he can revive him.

Guybrush speaks with the Voodoo Lady, who
confirms that with the piece of his beard,

Largo can definitely reanimate LeChuck’s
decomposing corpse.

She then tells him that Big Whoop holds the
key to another world where Guybrush can escape

LeChuck forever.

She also reveals that the map to the treasure
was torn into four pieces and divided across

the Caribbean by Governor Elaine Marley’s
grandfather, Horatio, and the crew of his

ship, which was named “The Elaine”.

Guybrush then charters a ship (the Jolly Rasta)
from a local shipsman named Captain Dread

and sets sail to search for the pieces of
the map.

Meanwhile, deep in the Caribbean, Largo and
a Voodoo Priest resurrect LeChuck inside a

giant fortress in the middle of the ocean.

Now a zombie, LeChuck demands Largo bring
him Guybrush Threepwood, while he has the

Voodoo Priest begin to build him a “very
special doll” of his own.

Guybrush’s search for the map pieces takes
him to the islands of Phatt and Booty.

On Booty Island, Guybrush finds Stan once
again, now selling used coffins (one of which

Guybrush is forced to trap him in).

He also gets his first map piece by obtaining
the figurehead of a sunken ship and trading

a shopkeeper for it.

He then gets a costume and attends a Mardis
Gras party being thrown by none other than

Elaine Marley.

When Guybrush tries to steal a piece of the
map from Elaine’s mansion during the party,

he is caught by her, who laments their short-lived
relationship as a mistake.

While Guybrush tries to get her to take him
back, Elaine realizes he’s only after the

map and instead throws it out a nearby window.

As Guybrush attempts to retrieve the piece
from a big tree where it flew, he falls and

gets knocked out.

In his unconsciousness, he sees a vision of
his parents, who he believes abandoned him.

They claim that they would never, before giving
him information in the form of a song.

The pair then transform into skeletons and
start to sing “The Skeleton Dance”, which

Guybrush writes down the lyrics to as they

He then sees a vision of LeChuck, who sprays
Guybrush with the voodoo root beer, waking

him up from this weird dream.

Guybrush is then able to climb the tree and
get the second map piece.

On Phatt Island, Guybrush is imprisoned by
Governor Phatt, who hopes to collect a bounty

placed on his head by LeChuck.

He is able to escape captivity by luring the
guard dog with a bone, and finds a pirate

who challenges him to a drinking contest in
exchange for a map piece.

Guybrush swaps out his drink with a non-alcoholic
version, winning the contest and exploring

his house to find the map piece.

Back on Scabb Island, Guybrush is able to
reanimate the ashes of Rapp Scallion, The

Elaine’s cook, in order to get his piece
of the map.

With all four pieces of the map in his possession,
he takes them back to Scabb Island’s resident

cartographer, Wally B. Feed, who reassembles
them in exchange for a love potion from the

Voodoo Lady.

Guybrush retrieves the love potion from the
Voodoo Lady, who feels a “disturbance in

the force”, believing Wally to be in trouble,
with LeChuck behind it.

Guybrush then finds a crate of supplies addressed
to LeChuck’s fortress, and Guybrush climbs


Five days later, the crate arrives at LeChuck’s

Once the coast is clear, Guybrush emerges
from the crate and looks around the fortress.

Guybrush finds Wally in a locked jail cell,
and begins to search for a way to rescue him.

Using the lyrics sung to him by his parents
during his dream, Guybrush finds a secret


On the other side, however, he springs a trap,
and a cage captures him before LeChuck arrives.

The zombie pirate taunts Guybrush before calling
Largo to have him taken to the torture chamber.

Guybrush and Wally are then tied up to an
extremely elaborate torture device that will

eventually lower them into a pit of acid.

LeChuck then walks off, leaving them to die,
but Guybrush thinks quickly on his feet (or

rather off of them), and blows out the candle
burning the rope holding them up.

With the room cast in darkness, Guybrush and
Wally are able to escape and destroy the fortress,

blasting Guybrush to Dinky Island.

On Dinky Island, Guybrush inexplicably finds
Herman Toothrot with Captain Marley’s parrot.

The parrot leads Guybrush to an X marking
the spot of Big Whoop’s supposed burial.

Guybrush then digs until he hits cement, using
dynamite to blast past it.

On Booty Island, Elaine feels the vibration
from the blast, and recognizing it as coming

from the location of her grandfather’s treasure,
she realizes Guybrush must be meddling with

it and makes her way to check on him.

Meanwhile, Guybrush uses a rope to swing to
the treasure inside the chasm left by the

explosion, but winds up left hanging after
he grabs it.

Luckily for him, Elaine arrives shortly after.

After Guybrush tells her the story of how
he wound up in his current predicament, his

rope finally gives out, and he falls to the
depths below.

When Guybrush comes to, he finds himself in
some kind of underground facility, with LeChuck

next to him.

Guybrush tries to escape from the zombie pirate,
but LeChuck claims that he’ll never be able

to, as they’re “bound to each other”.

LeChuck then makes the shocking revelation
that he is none other than Guybrush Threepwood’s


LeChuck then shows his “brother” his own
voodoo doll of Guybrush, using it to torture

him and send him to another dimension.

Luckily, Guybrush is simply sent to the next

He then explores the facility, collecting
the four needed ingredients to create a voodoo

doll of his own of LeChuck.

In doing so, he finds a station for “lost
parents”, where he finds the skeletal remains

of his own parents.

He also finds an elevator which takes him
to the same spot in Mêlée Island where he

first met LeChuck (while he was under the
guise of Sheriff Shinetop).

After assembling the voodoo doll, Guybrush
turns the tables and uses it on LeChuck, tearing

off its leg to dismember the zombie pirate.

LeChuck then lays dying, and asks Guybrush
to take his “mask off” so he can see the

true face of his brother.

Guybrush does so, and immediately recognizes
his brother, Chuckie.

Chuckie tells Guybrush that their mom sent
him to “hunt him down”.

Suddenly, they’re interrupted by a worker,
who tells the “kids” that they aren’t

supposed to be there.

Guybrush and Chuckie then find themselves
as children in an amusement park, where they

are reunited with their parents.

As the family go to leave, however, “Chuckie”
gives an evil look, revealing that all might

not be as it seems.

Back on Dinky Island, Elaine stands beside
the chasm left by the dynamite, where she

waits for Guybrush.

She then remarks to herself that she hopes
LeChuck hasn’t cast some kind of spell on


Quick aside as mentioned in the intro: at
this point, the story moves forward past original

creator Ron Gilbert’s intentions.

As such, take the following stories with a
grain of salt, as Gilbert has denounced certain

plot inclusions and will likely ignore or
flat-out contradict them in Return to Monkey


With that said, let’s continue…

Sometime later, Guybrush finds himself floating
at sea in a detached bumper car.

Unsure of how he got there, Guybrush writes
a log of his journey before hearing the sound

of cannon fire.

As he looks up, he notices that he’s drifting
towards a battle between a ship and a fort.

On the ship is the zombie pirate LeChuck,
and on the fort is Governor Elaine Marley,

again trying to decline LeChuck’s romantic

During their conversation, Elaine reveals
that Guybrush was the only man she ever loved;

a statement he takes great comfort in.

LeChuck then spots Guybrush, and his crew
fish him out of the water.

LeChuck is angered that Guybrush somehow escaped
his “Carnival of the Damned”, but having

other matters to attend to at the moment,
has him thrown into the hold while he prepares

his “flaming voodoo cannon ball”.

In the hold, Guybrush finds a small pirate
manning a cannon.

To Guybrush’s surprise, this “Bloodnose
the Pirate” is none other than Wally B.


Guybrush convinces Wally that he’s not cut
out to be a pirate, causing the cartographer

to fall to the ground in sorrow.

With the cannon free, Guybrush uses it to
take out LeChuck’s advancing undead army.

One of the skulls from the skeletal army survives,
and introduces himself as “Murray”, claiming

to be a fearful, powerful, mighty demonic

Guybrush simply smacks him into the water
and continues on.

Guybrush cuts the cannon’s restraint rope
with a sword he retrieved from Murray’s


With the cannon loose, he fires it, causing
it to blast through the locked door behind


The cannon shakes the ship, causing LeChuck
to drop the voodoo cannon ball, which explodes

into a giant skull-shaped cloud of magic.

This causes the ship to sink, while leaving
what remains of LeChuck’s spirit in his


Guybrush finds himself in the capsized ship’s
treasure hold.

There, he finds a giant diamond ring, and
uses it to cut open a porthole nearby, allowing

him to escape.

He then washes ashore on Plunder Island, where
Elaine waits for him.

Guybrush, realizing the love between them
keeps bringing them together, proposes to

Elaine with the diamond ring.

She accepts, and the pair celebrate their
engagement as Wally arrives.

Wally congratulates them, noting that her
ring looks awfully similar to one LeChuck

had in his treasure hold; one that just so
happened to have a ghastly voodoo curse on


Elaine realizes what Guybrush has done, and
prepares to punch him in the face.

As she winds up, however, the curse takes
hold and turns her into solid gold.

Hoping to find a way to cure Elaine’s curse,
Guybrush leaves Elaine on the beach and searches

Plunder Island.

He spots a voodoo shop, where Murray has been
found and used as decoration outside.

Inside the voodoo shop, Guybrush finds the
familiar Voodoo Lady once again.

She agrees to help him reverse the curse,
making sure Guybrush hid his solid gold wife

from the island of greedy pirates.

Guybrush realizes his mistake and rushes back
to the beach just in time to see a pirate

ship sailing off with her.

Guybrush returns to the Voodoo Lady, who suspects
the thieves to be the pirates anchored in

the nearby Danjer Cove.

She then tells Guybrush that in order to lift
the curse on Elaine, he must replace her cursed

ring with one of equal or greater value (which
he may find on Blood Island).

Meanwhile, LeChuck’s boots are recovered
by a passing ship, and his spirit again awakens,

this time as a fiery demon.

He then transforms the ship’s crew into
his skeletal minions before setting sail to

his stronghold on Monkey Island, where he’ll
unleash his massive army of the undead.

Guybrush then sets off to find the map to
Blood Island, a ship to get there, and a crew

to man it.

Disguising himself as “el pollo diablo”
and getting onto the ship in Danjer Cove,

he is able to convince its crew to leave it,
giving him his ship (as well as Elaine’s

location, who he recovers and hides on the
ship’s crow’s nest).

He then impresses three pirates-turned-barbers
and convinces them to join his crew.

Finally, he finds a talent agent with the
map to Blood Island tattooed on his back,

and Guybrush is able to cleverly burn it off
of his skin.

With his ship, his crew, and a map, Guybrush
then sets sail to Blood Island.

Guybrush’s journey is not without issue,
however, as his crew is again more interested

in leisure than work.

Things only get worse when the ship is boarded
by Captain Rottingham, who steals the map

to Blood Island by winning in the high-seas
variation of insult swordfighting (where every

retort has to rhyme).

After convincing his crew to get to work after
bringing their shanty to an unceremonious

conclusion, Guybrush begins to sail the seas,
taking down lesser pirates to increase his

repertoire of rhyming retorts while upgrading
his ship’s battle capabilities.

Eventually, Guybrush is strong enough to take
down Rottingham, retrieving the map and sailing

to Blood Island.

A storm breaks out on the way, however, and
the ship is run aground on Blood Island, damaging

it and throwing Elaine from the crow’s nest
to the woods.

After making sure Elaine is safe and sound
hidden in the woods, Guybrush begins to look

for the ring to lift her curse.

Speaking with Blood Island’s hotel’s owner,
Griswold Goodsoup, Guybrush learns of the

ring, which belonged to his family until its
diamond was stolen from them (by LeChuck,

incidentally) and sold to smugglers.

Guybrush then finds Stan in Blood Island’s
cemetery and lets him out of the coffin he

previously trapped him in.

Stan then starts an insurance company, which
Guybrush exploits to get a life insurance


Guybrush then meets another old group of friends:
the Monkey Island cannibals, who now worship

a volcano on the island.

Through various means (including reuniting
the deceased Goodsoup’s spirit with her

lost love, as well as cheating at a poker
game with a dangerous smuggler on Skull Island),

Guybrush is able to retrieve both the ring’s
band and diamond.

He then combines the two once again and replaces
the cursed ring on Elaine’s finger, lifting

the curse, returning her to her normal form,
and finally receiving the punch she tried

to give him.

Their celebration is cut short, however, as
they are ambushed and captured by LeChuck’s

army of the undead.

Guybrush then finds himself on Monkey Island,
inside LeChuck’s “Carnival of the Damned”.

LeChuck reveals that this was the same place
he had trapped Guybrush and tortured him to

believe he was a child.

LeChuck then tells him that he intends to
give Elaine the fabled treasure of Big Whoop,

which is actually a portal to hell.

LeChuck plans for Elaine to go through this
gate to the demon netherworld to transform

herself into an immortal being, just as he
once did.

LeChuck then reveals to Guybrush that he had
once tried to court Elaine, but she refused


Hoping to gain her favor, he went off looking
for the Secret of Monkey Island, but his ship

marooned on Blood Island.

There, he met Elaine’s Grandfather, Heratio

LeChuck places the spell on Guybrush to make
him a child once again before leaving with


Guybrush, after ignoring Murray again, assembles
a concoction to get his head clear, returning

to his form as a grown man.

He then heads into the nearby rollercoaster
to hell to stop LeChuck from transforming


Luckily, Elaine was able to escape from LeChuck,
and changed the tracks so the roller coaster

won’t reach the portal to hell.

Guybrush then visits the various dioramas
on the roller coaster, each telling a different

tale in the history of Monkey Island, finding
materials he can use to destroy the roller

coaster along the way.

He also spots Wally, strung up in a display
of the torture room he was in with Guybrush.

After creating a makeshift explosive device,
Guybrush tricks LeChuck into lighting its

fuse with his fire-breath.

The explosion then destroys the roller coaster,
trapping LeChuck in its debris.

Afterwards, Guybrush and Elaine finally get
married and sail off to enjoy their honeymoon

on the Caribbean.

Sometime later, a family visits the Carnival
of the Damned, and the father discusses a

rumor about the park’s creator, whose body
is said to be buried underneath.

Three months into their honeymoon, Guybrush
and Elaine’s ship is raided by another group

of pirates.

While she holds them off physically, Guybrush
is able to use his wit to fire their ship’s

cannons to take down the attacking pirates.

When the newlyweds return to Mêlée Island,
they find no welcoming committee waiting for

them, instead spotting a worker attempting
to demolish the Governor’s Mansion.

Elaine then learns that she was declared legally
dead, with her position as Governor vacated.

While Elaine tries to declare herself legally
“undead”, she tasks Guybrush with stopping

the demolition and traveling to Lucre Island
to talk to her grandfather’s lawyers.

After destroying the worker’s catapult and
preventing the mansion’s destruction, the

sole candidate for the mayoral election, a
man named Charles L. Charles introduces himself

to Guybrush and Elaine.

Elaine decides to run against Charles for
her own position, and Guybrush searches for

a ship and crew to take him to Lucre Island.

First, Guybrush hires a navigator he meets
at the Scumm Bar named Ignatius Cheese before

reuniting with two-thirds of his original
crew to Monkey Island: Carla and Otis.

While they initially try to hide their true
identity from Guybrush, they soon come clean

and tell Guybrush about how they escaped Monkey

Promising them cushy government jobs if they
accompany him once again, Guybrush successfully

recruits them to his crew as well.

Using the governor’s seal, Guybrush is able
to charter a ship, the “Dainty Lady” from

the Harbor Mistress, and he ships off to Lucre
Island with his crewmates.

Once they dock at Lucre Island, Guybrush goes
into town and finds the lawyers, learning

from them that Elaine’s grandfather left
the final family heirlooms in a safety deposit

chest at the Lucre Island Municipal Bank,
including the deed to the Marley Mansion and

the key to a secret tens times as powerful
as Big Whoop: the “Ultimate Insult”.

Guybrush goes to the bank and witnesses an
angry Australian man named Ozzie Mandrill

arguing with the teller, breaking his walking
stick out of frustration as he leaves.

Guybrush then retrieves the safety deposit
chest, finding it mostly filled with junk.

As he finds the deed, however, he also finds
himself at the end of a gun, held by… himself.

This impostor takes off his mask to show himself
as a man without a nose before putting it

back on, taking the chest, and running off.

As Guybrush leaves the bank’s vault, he
is arrested for robbing the bank

Guybrush is then forced to clear his name,
finding the real perpetrator of the crime,

a criminal named Pegnose Pete, who was hired
by Ozzie Mandrill to frame Guybrush and steal

the Marley Family Heirlooms.

Guybrush is able to capture Pegnose and deliver
him to the jailhouse, finding a prosthetic

nose in the bank to prove he was framed.

He then confronts Mandrill, learning that
the man is a land developer scheming to buy

out the entire Caribbean.

Guybrush then tricks Mandrill into leading
him to the location of the stolen items from

the bank, successfully returning them and
retrieving the family heirlooms.

Guybrush then returns to the jailhouse, where
Pegnose Pete is declared the perpetrator,

clearing Guybrush’s name.

Pegnose is able to break free, however, disappearing
in a literal flash.

Guybrush returns to Mêlée Island and gives
the mansion deed to Elaine before telling

her about all the events on Lucre.

Suddenly, Charles L. Charles breaks into the
mansion and reveals a shocking secret: he

is none other than LeChuck under a magical

LeChuck explains that his imminent election
is merely part of a plan to use the gubernatorial

powers to uncover the secret of the Ultimate

Elaine doubles her efforts to keep LeChuck
out of the governor’s mansion, while Guybrush

tries to find the Ultimate Insult before LeChuck
and Ozzie can.

Once again, Guybrush heads to the International
House of Mojo to consult with the Voodoo Lady.

The Voodoo Lady finally reveals that the Ultimate
Insult is a powerful talisman that allows

its user to spew incredibly foul insults in
an ancient tongue that permanently destroy

whoever they’re targeted at emotionally.

While the Voodoo Lady notes that all of the
copies of the Ultimate Insult’s recipe have

been destroyed, she does know that one island
has all of the ingredients to make one (but

she doesn’t know which island that is).

Guybrush explores Mêlée to learn more, reuniting
with Meathook and soon finding that Ozzie

had bought out the Scumm Bar, converting it
to the “Lua Bar” (just a quick aside that

this is a reference to the previous games
being created in the LucasArts “SCUMM”

engine while this game was made in a new engine
that was based on the Lua scripting language;

this is a cute reference and one of my favorite
jokes in the entire series, anyway…)

After using the various heirlooms left by
Elaine’s grandfather, Guybrush animates

the figurehead of the Dainty Lady, and discovers
the island that contains the Ultimate Insult

ingredients: Jambalaya Island.

Guybrush and his crew sail to Jambalaya, where
they find it converted into a tourist location.

Included on the island is “Planet Threepwood”,
a restaurant themed after himself where he

finds Murray the demonic skull.

He also comes across Stan once again, now
selling time-shares.

Through various means on the island, Guybrush
collects the three pieces needed for the Ultimate

Insult: a silver monkey head, a bronze pirate
hat, and a golden trophy of a man.

With the pieces in hand, Guybrush returns
to Mêlée Island to find the newly elected

LeChuck in the governor’s mansion, with
Ozzie Mandrill with him, revealing that the

demon pirate is working for the land developer.

LeChuck reveals that Ozzie rescued him from
the Carnival of the Damned after Guybrush

buried him there.

He then agreed to help Ozzie find the Ultimate
Insult to use to destroy the spirit of all

of the pirates in the Caribbean, including
Elaine, which would leave her completely open

to becoming his bride.

The pair then take the pieces of the Ultimate
Insult from Guybrush, and (believing they

may need him as a hostage later) maroon him
on Monkey Island.

On Monkey Island, Guybrush comes across Herman
Toothrot once again, helping him restore his

memory to learn that all along, he was none
other than Governor Horatio Torquemada Marley:

Elaine’s grandfather.

Horatio remembers that he was in a shipwreck
caused by Ozzie Mandrill years ago that caused

him to lose his memory; afterwards he saw
his initials, “H.T.”, and took on the

moniker “Herman Toothrot” before reaching
Monkey Island and becoming a hermit there.

Horatio then reveals one final secret, the
Ultimate Insult’s secret final piece: the

Gubernatorial Seal, which he happens to still
have a spare of.

Meanwhile, on Mêlée, Pegnose Pete captures
Elaine, taking her to LeChuck and Ozzie, and

providing them with her seal.

Guybrush then learns the art of Monkey Kombat
from Monkey Prince Jojo Jr., mastering it

to win the prince’s bronze hat.

Guybrush then enters the giant sacred Monkey
Head to discover that it houses a cockpit,

which the seal acts as a key for, awakening
a giant mechanical monkey, which will act

as an Ultimate Insult to rival LeChuck and

Guybrush, Horatio, and Jojo the monkey pilot
the mech back to Mêlée Island where they

find a giant amplification tower Ozzie plans
to use to spread the Ultimate Insult all across

the Tri-Island Area.

Guybrush is able to disable the tower, foiling
that part of their plan.

Meanwhile, LeChuck and Ozzie discover that
the Gubernatorial Seal is the final piece

of the Ultimate Insult, and they successfully
unlock its power.

When they try to use the amplifier and find
it non-operational, however, LeChuck and Ozzie

argue before the demon pirate leaves to posess
a giant statue of Charles L. Charles he had

erected after winning the election.

Guybrush reaches the mansion where he finds
Elaine and Ozzie, but as LeChuck arrives,

he captures both of them.

Guybrush then runs back to the giant monkey
as Ozzie uses the Ultimate Insult to take

control of LeChuck and the statue.

Guybrush then engages in the ultimate battle
of Monkey Kombat with Ozzie and the LeChuck

statue, but during the battle, Elaine is able
to escape.

LeChuck then regains control and smashes Ozzie,
crushing him under the weight of the statue.

The Ultimate Insult is also destroyed, creating
a massive blast that takes LeChuck with it.

Afterwards, Elaine reunites with Guybrush
and her grandfather.

Horatio then takes his place as Governor once
again, freeing his granddaughter and her husband

to sail the seas freely.

LeChuck survives this encounter and Guybrush
spends the next couple of years assembling

the pieces to create the “Cursed Cutlass
of Kaflu” which he hopes to use to destroy

his nemesis for good.

During this quest, however, LeChuck captures
Elaine in the Gulf of Melange and takes her

to the “Rock of Gelato”.

As Guybrush tries to spray the cutlass with
its final ingredient, fizzy root beer, he

drops the canister, forcing him to improvise
more voodoo root beer.

Guybrush then stabs LeChuck with the cutlass,
but its shoddy quality prevents it from working


Instead of destroying LeChuck, the cutlass
reverts him back to his human form, concentrating

his evil into a pox which infects Guybrush’s
hand (causing it to act on its own).

An explosion on the ship then blasts Guybrush
away, separating him from his wife and the

now human LeChuck.

Guybrush then washes ashore Flotsam Island,
where all of the winds blow inwards, preventing

anyone from leaving once they arrive.

Guybrush meets pirate journalist Davey Nipperkin,
who tells him that his source, known only

as “Deep Gut”, might know how to get off
the island.

Nipperkin then tasks Guybrush with creating
three stories of pirate acts: getting in a

fight at a local restaurant, tricking another
pirate into believing he’s found buried

treasure, and finally capturing a boat called
the “Screaming Narwhal” from its current

captain, Reginald Van Winslow (who then takes
the role of first mate).

Nipperkin then gives Guybrush the location
of “Deep Gut”, who turns out to be the

Voodoo Lady.

Guybrush tells her about his failure to destroy
LeChuck, as well as his current humanly status

(much to her frustration).

Guybrush then asks her about his hand, which
she claims is infected with the “Pox of


The Voodoo Lady then states that the only
way for him to rid his hand of the pox is

with a sponge-like artifact called “La Esponja

While she doesn’t know how to find it, she
states that a former lover of hers, Coronado

De Cava, was last searching for it in the
Jerkbait Islands.

She then gives Guybrush a locket to give to
De Cava before sending him on his way.

As Guybrush leaves the Voodoo Lady’s hut,
he’s hit with some bad news from Nipperkin:

the Pox of LeChuck has become airborne, and
is currently spreading to the other pirates

in the area through a giant floating “Death

Guybrush then tries to figure out how to get
off the island to find De Cava, but during

this effort, he is captured by a doctor, the
Marquis De Singe, who hopes to amputate and

study his cursed hand.

Luckily, Guybrush is able to escape his captivity,
causing the Marquis to look to famous pirate

hunter Morgan LeFlay for help getting him

Guybrush then finds a giant statue of a wind
god blowing into an instrument, which the

Marquis accidentally reveals is a wind control
device that he has been using to strand the

pirates on the island for years.

Guybrush is able to figure out the complicated
manner in which to disable the machine (using

an ancient tool he found as a key).

After successfully causing the winds to die
down (but also causing the Pox to spread outside

of the confines of the island), Guybrush boards
his ship and leaves Flotsam Island’s waters.

While his hand initially doesn’t allow him
to tell Van Winslow where to go, he’s able

to outsmart his own appendage and direct him
to the Rock of Gelato.

Once they reach it, however, Guybrush spots
Elaine on his own ship, with the human LeChuck

seemingly acting kind and winning her over.

As Guybrush begins to get jealous, he hears
the voice of an unknown woman.

He turns towards her, and is met with the
end of a blade.

The woman holding the blade introduces herself
as Morgan LeFlay, feared pirate hunter (and

admirer of Guybrush Threepwood).

Hired by the Marquis to retrieve Guybrush’s
hand, Morgan slices it off with her blade.

Guybrush fights her with his own sword, outsmarting
her and knocking her off the ship.

She is able to make off with Guybrush’s
severed hand, however, leaving him to replace

it with a hook.

Guybrush’s scrap with Morgan damaged the
ship’s mast, so they head to the Jerkbait

Islands to search for someone who can repair

At Spinner Cay, the main epicenter of the
islands, Guybrush meets various mer-folk,

including their leader, who is currently fighting
with a pirate, McGillicutty, who is demanding

the “summoning artifacts” which will call
forth the legendary sea creatures who will

lead him La Esponja Grande.

To Guybrush’s surprise, Elaine is there,
trying to mediate the argument.

Elaine is angered that her husband lost his
hand, and his wedding ring, so she lets him

borrow her ring in the meantime.

Elaine elects to stay behind and handle things
at Spinner Cay, sending Guybrush to recover

the summoning artifacts, including one that
she currently has LeChuck looking for.

Guybrush refuses to work with LeChuck, but
Elaine insists that in his human form, he’s

harmless, convincing him to put aside their
differences to obtain the sponge.

Guybrush is able to get his mast repaired,
and charters a raft in order to explore the

area to retrieve the summoning artifacts.

In doing so, Guybrush is forced to work together
with LeChuck, and despite his better judgment

the pair make a fairly good team.

Meanwhile, Morgan delivers Guybrush’s hand
to the Marquis, who offers her even more money

to retrieve the rest of him.

After Guybrush recovers all of the summoning
artifacts, he returns to Spinner Cay to find

it under attack from McGillicutty, who captures
the Mer-leader.

After rescuing her, she tells him how to use
the summoning artifacts, and he does so.

The ancient sea-creatures then arrive, and
Guybrush leaves Elaine behind to keep an eye

on LeChuck and follows them in his ship.

During their travels, Morgan LeFlay boards
their ship once again, but before she has

a chance to capture Guybrush, the Screaming
Narwhal is swallowed whole by a massive manatee.

Guybrush, Van Winslow, and Morgan find themselves
inside the belly of the beast, where LeFlay

is knocked out by a falling barrel.

Guybrush exits the ship and explores the insides
of the creature, finding the one and only

Coronado De Cava.

Guybrush gives De Cava the locket from the
Voodoo Lady, which has both of their pictures

on it along with a button in the shape of
an arrow.

De Cava presses the button, which causes the
Voodoo Lady’s consciousness to take over

De Cava’s body temporarily.

When De Cava regains control over his body,
he becomes furiously jealous over Guybrush’s

extensive past with the Voodoo Lady, and the
fact that Guybrush seems to have taken his


Guybrush states that he’s married to another
woman, but De Cava refuses to believe him

without proof.

Guybrush then gets Morgan awake and convinces
her to pose as his wife.

De Cava quizzes them on their knowledge of
each other, with both passing the test.

After gaining De Cava’s trust, the adventurer
tells Guybrush that his crew have mutinied

against him and stolen the manatee’s cochlea,
ruining its sense of direction.

This has caused the massive creature to merely
wander aimlessly, instead of finding its mating

grounds, where La Esponja Grande will supposedly
be found.

De Cava entrusts Guybrush with finding some
insects to craft an artificial cochlea of

his design, but after reaching a new part
of the manatee’s body, the pair instead

find De Cava’s former crew.

Guybrush determines that he must convince
the mutinous crewmates to allow him to join

their club in order to learn where they’ve
got the cochlea.

After impressing each one of the three crew
members (with one of them being tricked by

the talking skull Murray, who Guybrush happens
to find in a chest inside the manatee’s


Guybrush is eventually welcomed into the club,
where his first task as new recruit is to

guard the stolen cochlea (what luck!).

Guybrush of course takes the cochlea instead
and returns it back to the manatee’s ear

canal, restoring its sense of direction.

The crew catch wind of this and attempt to
take revenge on Guybrush for his betrayal.

Morgan comes to his rescue and subdues the
crewmates before De Cava gives Guybrush a

laxative to pour into the manatee’s stomach.

After he does so, the Screaming Narwhal is…
ejected from the manatee, and they soon find

themselves on the surface, floating right
above the sacred giant manatee mating grounds.

Guybrush heads down below water to find an
even larger female manatee guarding the cave

which holds the sponge.

Guybrush then learns how to speak with the
manatees (returning Murray to the ocean on

the way) and helps the manatee that swallowed
them successfully court the female.

After they leave, Guybrush is able to enter
the cave and finally retrieve La Esponja Grande…

which isn’t as grand as its name might suggest.

After retrieving the sponge, Guybrush returns
to his ship to find De Cava once again suspecting

him of trying to steal the Voodoo Lady (after
discovering his locket with Guybrush’s picture

replacing his thanks to Guybrush requiring
it to take over her body earlier; we skipped

over that).

De Cava then captures Guybrush and Morgan
in cages, but they are able to escape with

the sponge and lure De Cava’s ship to get
swallowed by a manatee yet again.

Guybrush finally has La Esponja Grande, but
his celebration is caught short, as he’s

soon reminded that Morgan LeFlay is a pirate
hunter, and she’s still under the Marquis’


She swifty knocks him unconscious before heading
back to Flotsam Island to finish her job.

Morgan rows Guybrush to the shores of Flotsam
and hands him over to the Marquis before collecting

her payment.

Before the Marquis can take Guybrush to study
him, however, an angry mob arrives and serves

Guybrush with a voodoo-enchanted court summons,
which forces his body to walk to the courthouse.

There, Guybrush is charged with four crimes
he allegedly committed during his last visit

to the island.

Guybrush represents himself in the trial,
with Stan acting as the prosecutor.

Guybrush is then forced to go back out to
the island to assemble evidence to clear himself

of all of the charges.

While doing so, Guybrush speaks with Morgan
and the Marquis, and accidentally reveals

that Elaine was near him when he contracted
the Pox of LeChuck, causing the Marquis to

go looking for her.

Morgan visibly regrets betraying Guybrush,
but he isn’t quick to forgive her.

After gathering enough evidence and presenting
them convincingly, Guybrush is found not guilty

of all four civil charges against him.

The judge then reveals that Guybrush isn’t
in the clear yet, as there’s still a criminal

charge against him for his spreading of the
Pox to the pirates in the area.

Elaine then arrives just in time to act as
a witness for Guybrush, although the Pox has

thrown her into a completely different persona.

When she smells Morgan’s scent on Guybrush,
Elaine grows furious and storms out of the

courthouse, forcing Guybrush to find a way
to bring her back.

Guybrush soon finds the jealous Elaine swordfighting
with Morgan.

Guybrush is able to get between them and serve
Elaine with a voodoo-enchanted summons of

her own, which forces her back to the courthouse.

Morgan then apologizes to Guybrush for her
betrayal, but he still refuses to forgive

her, storming off in anger.

Back in the courtroom, Elaine doesn’t prove
to be the star witness Guybrush was hoping

for, as she ends up casting even more doubt
on him.

Guybrush then presents La Esponja Grande to
the jury as evidence of him trying to cure

the Pox, but when he attempts to prove himself
by curing Elaine, it instead proves to be

completely useless.

As the court prepares to take Guybrush to
the gallows, LeChuck bursts in to take all

of the blame for the Pox.

LeChuck states to the jury that his years
of dabbling in the dark arts of voodoo accumulated

a massive amount of evil within him; the same
evil that has now infected all of them.

More surprisingly, however, LeChuck states
that while his actions brought forth the Pox,

a more powerful entity had been unknowingly
guiding his hand the entire time.

LeChuck then submits into evidence a journal
belonging to, much to the surprise of the

court: the Voodoo Lady.

In the journal, the Voodoo Lady had apparently
laid out an extremely detailed plan over the

course of several years to manipulate LeChuck’s
every action.

Guybrush is then struck with the sudden realization
that one of the few friends he had along his

journey had simply been using him all along.

The court then set Guybrush free and imprison
LeChuck as well as the Voodoo Lady.

Guybrush thanks LeChuck for coming to his
rescue, and confronts the Voodoo Lady about

her journal, to which she claims that she
was simply playing her role in a “much larger


While Guybrush is still angered with her,
he reluctantly takes her advice to grow La

Esponja Granda by feeding it a special, six-course

As Guybrush goes looking for the ingredients
for the meal, he’s surprised to see the

Maquis running from his lab in fear.

When Guybrush investigates the lab, he’s
met with the shocking sight of Morgan LeFlay

with a sword impaled through her torso.

Guybrush rushes over, and the dying Morgan
tells him that she went to the lab to get

his hand back for him.

She then tries to deliver a final message,
but dies during so.

With a new sense of revenge towards the Marquis,
Guybrush continues his quest.

After providing every “course” of the
meal to the sponge, Guybrush finds Elaine

with the Marquis at the ancient wind control

The Marquis traps the couple and reveals that
he intends to chop Elaine up and use the winds

of the device to spread her concentrated Pox
all over the seas.

Guybrush is able to get the Marquis to trip
into the device himself before the detached

Pox infested hand activates the device, chopping
De Singe into tiny pieces and shooting him


Guybrush then throws La Esponja Grande into
the device, causing it to grow to its massive

size, curing the Pox of LeChuck from every
pirate in the area.

As Guybrash celebrates with his now cured
wife, LeChuck arrives.

A surprised Guybrush asks how he got out of
jail, and he’s answered by LeChuck’s sword,

which pierces his abdomen.

LeChuck then reveals that he had been toying
with Guybrush all along in order to obtain

the power of La Esponja Grande before attempting
to convince Elaine to marry him once again.

With his last words, Guybrush asks Elaine
to avenge him before falling dead from his

stab-wound, seemingly losing his years-long
battle with LeChuck.

LeChuck then sheds his human disguise and
reverts to his demon form before engaging

in a swordfight with Elaine.

Sometime later, we find the spirit of Guybrush
Threepwood crawling from his grave to find

himself in the land of the dead.

He fetches a ride from the ferryman to the
“Crossroads”, where he tries to find his

way back to the land of the living to rescue
Elaine from LeChuck.

There, Guybrush finds Morgan’s spirit, who
reveals that it was actually LeChuck who killed


Gybrush then works to help her come to terms
with her death, leading her to become the

new “guardian” of the afterlife.

After obtaining four items that fit the criteria
of “courage, anchor, guide and sacrifice”

with Morgan’s help, Guybrush is able to
conduct a ritual at the crossroads to open

a rift back to the land of the living.

Guybrush finds himself on LeChuck’s ship,
and the demon pirate then uses La Esponja

Grande to pull energy directly from the land
of the dead through the open rift.

LeChuck then reveals that he engineered the
Pox as well as all of the events afterwards

in order to get Guybrush to get him the crossroads-fueled-sponge
so he could use its power to finally defeat

the Voodoo Lady to remove her grasp on his

Shockingly, Elaine offers to help LeChuck
in this venture, finally agreeing to be his

“demon bride”.

Guybrush tries to grab the nearby Cursed Cutlass
of Kaflu to destroy LeChuck, but finds he

is unable to thanks to his current spiritual

Guybrush is sent back to the crossroads, where
his wife’s betrayal leaves him crushed.

Luckily, Morgan gives him a pep-talk, and
reminds him that he would never give up on


Guybrush then finds the Voodoo Lady’s locket
once again and uses it to possess his own


Guybrush returns to LeChuck’s ship, and
the many friends he’s made along the way

help him keep LeChuck and Elaine at bay as
he shrinks the sponge to prevent the demon

pirate from using its immense power.

Elaine then reveals that she was merely tricking
LeChuck, and she stabs him with the cutlass.

While this damages his physical body, his
spiritual one survives, allowing him to jump

through the rift.

On the other side, Morgan LeFlay stabs him,
weakening his spiritual self.

Morgan then determines that they must find
a way to destroy both LeChuck’s physical

and spiritual bodies in order to destroy him
for good.

After one final battle aboard LeChuck’s
ship, Guybrush launches himself in a cannon

(wearing his trusty kitchenware headgear once

He flies through the rift to the crossroads,
and LeChuck follows him.

While LeChuck is in the rift between worlds,
Guybrush sacrifices his last strand of life

in order to close it.

With LeChuck trapped, Morgan and Elaine stab
him from both worlds.

A flash of light is left in his wake, and
when it clears, Guybrush finds himself alone

at the crossroads.

Guybrush then realizes that he still holds
one item that represents courage, anchor,

direction, and sacrifice: his wife’s wedding

He stands with it on the crossroads and immediately
gets sent back to the land of the living,

with his body (hand included) intact.

Guybrush then finds himself aboard the Screaming
Narwhal, where he’s reunited with his wife,

Elaine, who reveals that she knew from the
beginning that Guybrush would be able to come

through for her no matter what.

Guybrush and Elaine then sail off with Van
Winslow, knowing that LeChuck is now gone

for good.

Unbeknownst to them, however, the spirit of
Morgan LeFlay delivers the essence of LeChuck

to the Voodoo Lady.

In return, the Voodoo Lady grants her the
ability to return to the land of the living

in her ghostly form as the Ghost Pirate Hunter.

As Morgan walks off to live her new life after
death, the Voodoo Lady simply states that

the tides of destiny will soon shift once
again, chuckling at LeChuck’s current state.

And with that, we complete our trip through
one of the greatest and most monumental adventure

game series of all time.

As a massive, life-long fan of this franchise,
I can’t tell you how excited I am to “Return

to Monkey Island” with the first installment
in over a decade.

Until then: look behind you, a Three-Headed

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coming the rest of this year.

Alright, thanks again for watching, and I’ll
see you very soon in the next one.

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